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Current Involvements

Learn about what areas we are currently involved.

Food, Furniture and Special Events 

We meet the needs that we can in the community covering approximately 135 residences in three local communities:  Myrtle Landing, Bayview, and William Hughes. These needs include food, furniture and special events.  We also help others during the month who present requesting assistance for food at various locations on the shore.

Image by Elena Kloppenburg

Furniture/Home Goods

We partner with Cape Charles Baptist Church to provide furniture and home goods to those who need help.

Workforce Housing

We have acquired an option on a piece of property in Machipongo that is already subdivided into Hamlet status to build 10 homes on the help with the need for affordable housing on the shore. 

Housing Development
Image by Art Markiv

Physical & Spiritual Needs

We partner with local individuals to provide various physical and spiritual needs such as rides to medical appointments, home repairs, housing options, and prayer.

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